Our business valuation team provides strategic direction for businesses at their most critical junctures, such as
financing, financial reporting, tax management, business planning, ownership transition, and litigation.

Our team understands key internal and external value drivers and provides the insight, research, and professional
opinion of value to support our clients’ business objectives.

Specific valuation subjects include business enterprise (invested capital), 100% equity, fractional equity interests,
phantom shares, preferred shares, options, property, debt, liabilities, whole plants, lease streams, molds and dies,
and product lines.

Our team manages all aspects of the valuation in-house, drawing from professional business experience and the
hands-on operational expertise of our industrial, retail, and brands teams.
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Have you considered your business succession plan? Business owners often want their company to either continue
beyond their lifetimes managed by their children, or sell it at its maximum value. This can be a difficult process—
raising issues that you’d probably rather avoid.

We’ll help you…
 Develop a business succession plan
 Organize the business for transition
 Maximize the businesses selling value

Planning your end game today, guarantees you a more profitable retirement tomorrow.
Experience the Control!